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Power Plant Location Status Installed Capacity (MW) In Service Date
Otluca HEPP Mersin Operational 48.77 7.04.2011 & 13.07.2011 & 16.09.2011
Sırma HEPP Aydın Operational 6.66 23.05.2009
Sekiyaka II HEPP Muğla Operational 3.53 17.01.2014 & 27.08.2015
Çamlıca III HEPP Kayseri Operational 28.48 1.04.2011
Saraçbendi HEPP Sivas Operational 26.27 6.05.2011
Demirciler HEPP Denizli Operational 8.704 3.08.2012 & 25.08.2012
Kavakcalı HEPP Muğla Operational 11.446 29.03.2013
Gelinkaya HEPP Erzurum Operational 7.08 14.06.2013
Yağmur HEPP Trabzon Operational 9.194 27.11.2012
Doğançay HEPP Sakarya Operational 31.605 29.08.2014 & 12.09.2014
Doruk HEPP Giresun Operational 28.894 19.09.2014
Çalıkobası HEPP Giresun Operational 18.11 2.06.2017 & 4.05.2018
Yaysun SPP – Unlicensed Konya Operational 0.6 17.02.2014
Denizli Projects (SPP) – Unlicensed Denizli Operational 7.4 25.05.2015
Solentegre SPP- Licensed Elazığ Operational 9.1 14.10.2016
Solentegre SPP – Unlicensed Elazığ Operational 0.6 15.02.2016
Amasya SPP – Unlicensed Amasya Operational 11.2 12.08.2017 & 23.08.2017
Karine SPP – Unlicensed Elazığ Operational 0.6 26.08.2017
Tokat Projects (SPP) – Unlicensed Tokat Operational 5.6 19.10.2017
Omicron Engil SPP- Licensed Van Operational 12.1 20.09.2018
Omicron Erciş SPP- Licensed Van Operational 12.1 21.09.2018
Yaysun SPP- Licensed Konya Operational 12.1 27.09.2018
ME-SE SPP- Licensed Konya Operational 12.1 27.09.2018
MT Doğal SPP- Licensed Konya Operational 12.1 27.09.2018
PSİ SPP- Licensed Van Operational 13.0 25.07.2019
IOTA SPP- Licensed Malatya Operational 13.0 13.08.2020
Kocalar WPP Çanakkale Operational 30.6 14.03.2019
Üçpınar WPP Çanakkale Operational 112.2 10.05.2019 & 18.06.2019
Hasanoba WPP – 1. and 2. Phase Çanakkale Operational 51.0 02.08.2019 & 06.09.2019
Denizli WPP – 1. and 2. Phase Denizli Operational 74.8 13.09.2019 & 10.10.2019
Sarıtepe WPP Osmaniye Operational 57.0 25.08.2016
Demirciler WPP Osmaniye Operational 23.3 26.08.2016
Sarıtepe Hybrid SPP Osmaniye Operational 12.96 26.12.2024 & 31.01.2025
Denizli Hybrid SPP Denizli Operational 4.5 12.01.2025
Hasanoba Hybrid SPP Çanakkale Operational 8.4 14.02.2025
Kocalar Hybrid SPP Çanakkale Operational 4.9 14.02.2025
Üçpınar Hybrid SPP Çanakkale Operational 39.9 14.02.2025 & 14.03.2025
Demirciler Hybrid SPP Osmaniye Operational 4.2 27.02.2025


Total (MW)
 HEPP 228.739
 SPP 121.4
 WPP 423.9
 Total 774.1


In line with our company’s growth strategy, we have started the necessary technical and financial studies to realize new investments totaling 285 MW, including 2 storage integrated solar power plants with 80 MW installed capacity and 4 storage integrated wind power plants with 205 MW installed capacity.