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When choosing a place in energy investment projects, it is necessary to avoid reluctant resettlement considering alternative project designs or to minimize it if not preventable and to specify the format for the works to be done in this scope.

While preparing this plan, the following objectives are observed;

– Determining the negative social and economic effects arising from land acquisition and the loss of assets, and to determine the measures to be taken for replacement,

– Identifying the rights of all affected person categories, with particular attention to the needs of vulnerable individuals and groups,

– Reducing the impact of resettlement activities by providing information disclosure, consultation and involvement of affected shareholders,

– Restoring the livelihoods and living standards of displaced persons or making possible improvements according to the levels prior to the displacement,

– Improving living conditions of shareholders who are physically displaced by providing adequate housing in resettlement areas.

5543 sayılı İskan Kanunu kapsamında tam, kısmi, kalıcı veya geçici olabilecek fiziksel veya ekonomik yer değiştirmelere maruz kalan, yasal (tapulu) arazi sahibi olan paydaşlarla, işgal ettikleri arazide tanınabilir yasal hakkı veya hak talebi olmayan yeniden yerleştirilen kişilere karşı gereklilikler ve sorumluluklar belirlenmiştir.

Under the Settlement Law No. 5543, the requirements and responsibilities are set forth against the shareholders who are legal landowners subject to full or partial, permanent or temporary physical or economic displacement and resettled persons without recognizable legal rights or rights on the land they occupied.A detailed socio-economic study is being conducted for the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), which will be prepared specifically for each project. This study not only takes into consideration the characteristics of the communities that will be relocated but also the existing communities in the area to be resettled. The RAP is prepared in accordance with the following RAP format, but not limited to it.

Resettlement Procedure