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We strive to create a happy, productive, successful and healthy workforce that is fair, transparent, where employees find opportunities to reveal their potential, contribute to the future of our company and are valued, adopt our main corporate policies, is high-performance, development-oriented, and has high commitment,


In this direction;

– To provide equal professional opportunities for men and women regardless of their background, age, status, race, religion,

– To create a team consisting of individuals respectful to society,

– To raise awareness of our personnel at all levels in the standards that are the subject of the integrated management system,

– Acting in a team spirit based on the total quality philosophy,

– Within the framework of quality systems, all employees become people who can use their talents at the highest level,

– Creating and maintaining quality and discipline awareness in all our employees,

– To create and maintain a high level of occupational safety awareness in all our employees,

– To create environmental awareness in all our employees; to instill and maintain awareness of global resources and sustainability,

– To increase awareness about the efficient use of the produced energy,

– To touch society through our employees, to contribute to our general social development,

– We aim to enable the individuals working in our company to develop horizontally and vertically in our organizational structure.


For this;

– While determining the human resources criteria (minimum conditions of the individual to be employed); In addition to needs, we will aim to increase diversity and prevent discrimination.

– We will not discriminate during employment. We will not judge people based on their skin color, origin, religion, or political views. We will only take the determined minimum requirements as a basis and stand at an equal distance from the applicants. We will provide equal professional opportunities for women and men.

– We will not discriminate, not only in the employment process but at any stage of our working life, we will adopt an equal and fair approach; We will offer equal pay and opportunities within the scope of their duties, powers and work performances.

– In line with our company needs; We will evaluate our existing human resources and make employment plans to increase the diversity of our human resources, taking into account our social and institutional development.

– We will ensure communication with our personnel at all levels, we will ensure that employee representatives are appointed at all levels so that this communication can be ensured during the meetings.

– We will adopt an approach that respects human rights and evaluate the requests received in this context. We will guarantee the right of our employees to organize. We will fulfill collective bargaining and employment contract requests.

– We will protect our Employee Representatives, we will provide opportunities to eliminate any effect that may cause restriction of representation rights and even facilitate the representation process. In this context, we will take the demands of the workers’ representatives seriously and evaluate them.

– We will prevent discrimination against our employee representatives at all levels.

– We will adopt a fair approach and evaluate the feedback (objections, complaints, suggestions) from our staff impartially,

– With performance monitoring, we will identify the training needed and perform them in a disciplined manner. Regardless of the need, we will organize regular training to ensure awareness and continuity. We will determine the effectiveness of the training and ensure that they are carried out again when necessary.

– We will listen to the needs and expectations of our personnel who want to develop their careers in our company and need training for this and support their participation in appropriate training programs.

– We will determine and fulfill the necessary environmental conditions for the productivity and happiness of our employees. For this, we will try to identify and eliminate stress sources that will evaluate not only the physical conditions but also the psychological environment.

– We will announce the general Akfen Code of Ethics to all our employees and ensure that they adopt them.

– We will announce our Social Responsibility Policy to all our employees and ensure that they adopt it.

– We will support global goals for sustainable development.

– We will adopt the United Nations Global Principles.

– In addition to the above-mentioned activities, we will fully comply with the legal requirements regarding human resources.

The business we adopt is this policy; we will take the necessary approach and measures to ensure that the supplier companies we work with are also adopted by us. In this way, we will endeavor to provide facilities not only for our personnel but also for each working in all our projects and businesses.

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